In all my life I have been doing different kind of crafts – sewing, crochet, embroidery, painting and so on. It’s my way of living – to make and create. So when I, eight years ago, discovered the wonderful world of beads I embraced it immediately – A new undiscovered creative area to explore.
“You can never go straight ahead”, my husband said to me recently. And he is so right! When I’m in the beginning of a beaded piece I often start with a color combination and a vague inner image, not knowing what it will be at the end. When I am finished I’ve probably replaced some of the material, or even most of it into other beads, colors and details. And it sums up pretty much this year’s work with my battle piece. I started with rivolis, bicones and seed beads and ended up with cabochon butterflies and flowers (and a huge pile of rejected parts 🙂 ). Well, the light color and the floral theme is really not surprising, I often end up there, simply because I love flowers.