
autumn flowers

Most of the time my creative process begins with the colors and I can sit in hours combining and sorting out the beads I want to use in a project. I often have a lot of different shades and as the project proceed one shade or color after another is excluded from the “inspiration board”. In this year’s battle I gave myself a color challenge: Not to use my favorite colors white, blue or turquoise but instead step outside my comfort zone by using a much richer color scheme based on orange, siam and cranberry. I even tried to avoid flowers and leaves but that turned out to be a too big challenge for me. I just can’t bead without them. 🙂 And, as always, I couldn’t stick to the original plan which was a small handbag and the beads ended up as a necklace instead.

In all my life I have been doing different kind of crafts – sewing, crochet, embroidery and so on. It’s my way of living – to make and create. So when I, nine years ago, discovered the wonderful world of beads I embraced it immediately – A new undiscovered creative area to explore and I am still curious in discovering new beads, techniques and stitches.